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Showing posts from November, 2022

Let's Talk Cancer, Part 1

October, 17, 2016, my husband was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer that had metastasized to surrounding lymph nodes and his liver. Prognosis: six months without treatment. With chemo, maybe 12-18. Too far advanced to make either radiation or surgery viable options. October 17, 2022, my husband had his six-year "cancerversary."  The six-year cancer roller coaster has had peaks and valleys that would put Six Flags to shame.  He was blasted with chemo, which worked better than either his doctor or we could have hoped, which made him a candidate for radiation, which also worked well, which made him a candidate for surgery to resect the tumors in his colon and liver. Side note, after surgery on the liver, the patient comes out of recovery a lovely shade of yellow. He was blasted with more chemo post surgery, while sporting an ostomy bag he'd wear for about 8 months while his insides healed. Three months after the surgery to reconnect his pipes, a routine scan showed a